Meghan Malanio Associate Director
Michaela McClure Creative Manager
Veronica Bernal Office Manager
Ellen Yang Photographer + Creative Operations
Brenda Gomez Agency Director

wallflower management

3809 Parry Ave #105

Dallas, TX 75226

phone 214. 559. 4300

think you're a wallflower?

you can find out one of two ways,
one, attend our open call which is every wednesday from 2-4 p.m.
two, send your photos to

we do not need professional photos. simple digitals are preferred.
girls: light to no makeup and natural hair.
Shoot digitals in front of a simple background. A plain light-colored wall is best.
Please do not send large photo files.

who are we looking for?
kids ages 5-14 years of age
for our adult division, women must be 5'7" - 6' and men must be 6' - 6'3"
Adults should be fit and toned and have good body proportion.